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Another Decade of Social Scientific Work on Sex Work A Review of Research 1990 2000 | 3.31 MB | 22/3/23 | |
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Benoit_Cecilia_DispellingMyths_2001 | 643.8 KB | 22/3/23 | |
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Criminalization, legalization | 826.46 KB | 22/3/23 | |
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Decriminalization of Sex Work - Feminist Discourses | 273.52 KB | 22/3/23 | |
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Migrant women domestic work and sex trade | 142.97 KB | 4/3/23 | |
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On our terms | 566.38 KB | 22/3/23 | |
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Precarious intimacies – Europeanised border regime and migrant sex work | 1.55 MB | 14/3/25 | |
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Prostitution Stigma and Its Effect on the Working Conditions, Personal Lives, and Health of Sex Workers | 726.17 KB | 22/3/23 | |
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Sex Work in a Digital Era | 151.59 KB | 22/3/23 | |
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Trafficking and prostitution in Greece | 152.27 KB | 4/3/23 | |
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Trafficking in women and girls - The case of Greece.pdf | 158 KB | 4/3/23 | |
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Trafficking in women and girls for the sex trade in Greece | 406.24 KB | 4/3/23 | |
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Ερωτική ψευδαίσθηση σε χώρους σεξουαλικής διασκέδασης | 247.72 KB | 14/3/25 | |