Landscape2012 - Landscape in a Changing World



The summer school is framed by social events and possibilities of enjoying the gorgeous physical and cultural landscape of Lesvos, combining excellent learning and recreation opportunities.

The objective of this international course, offered in the context of a summer school at the University of the Aegean, is to analyze the opportunities and challenges of safeguarding and developing the multiple contributions of landscape to life and society, in light of crises and change, in the 21st century—with an emphasis on European landscapes and societies.

For this purpose, the course caters to three main thematic areas of multidisciplinary interest:

  1. Services and other goods  offered by landscape to societies with changing needs and priorities
  2. Planning and managing landscapes of the past, present and future, with a view  to adapting them  to challenges posed by current crises and complying with the efficient,  sustainable and comprehensive provision of such services
  3. The impact of policy on lan
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