English 1 [open] (331-0451)

Eftihia Landrou


‘English 1’ is a course for intermediate users of English (B1 level of the Common European Framework of Languages), who want to practice in reading and listening comprehension, to revise basic grammar, and develop their writing skills. The course includes reading passages and exercises on comprehension and vocabulary, grammar theory and exercises, writing practice (letter, email, paragraph, summary) and suggested online resources for listening practice (podcasts) and researching vocabulary (online dictionaries).

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Eftihia Landrou

Eftihia Landrou has studied English Language and Literature at the University of Athens and holds a postgraduate degree in Translation Studies from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. She has been working as an English teacher for over 10 years, teaching students of different ages and levels, while for the last 8 years she has been working at the School of Sciences, University of the Aegean, teaching English for Specific Purposes, with an emphasis on IT and economics terminology. Her interests include translation and teaching foreign languages using e-learning technologies.

Course Syllabus
  • Reading and Grammar 1

    • Reading 1: The How, When and Why of Mathematics
    • Grammar 1: Present tenses
  • Writing 1

    • Basic communication
  • Reading and Grammar 2

    • Reading 2: Markets
    • Grammar 2: Modals, If sentences and relative clauses
    • Listening 1: eBay
  • Writing 2

    • Paragraph writing
  • Reading and Grammar 3

    • Reading 3: Cryptology
    • Grammar 3: Past simple and past continuous
  • Writing 3

    • Summarizing
    • Listening 2: Universities
  • Reading and Grammar 4

    • Reading 4: Web 2.0
    • Grammar 4: Present perfect
  • Reading and Grammar 5

    • Reading 5: Chaos theory
    • Grammar 5: Comparisons – Passive voice
    • Listening 3: Chaos theory and economics
  • Revision class

    • Revision activities
    • Past exam: Reading activity (1)
    • Past exam: Reading activity (2)


Course Objectives/Goals

By the end of this course, students will have revised basic English grammar and syntax, will be able to understand general English texts and write connected text passing on or requesting information, or arguing for or against a particular topic.

Instructional Methods
  • Slides

  • Notes

  • Podcast

  • Audio material

  • Multimedia material

  • Interactive exercises

Assessment Methods
  • Quizzes

  • Final exam

Stefan, J. (1998). English for Students of Economics. General Economics. Τυπωθήτω: Athens.

Prerequisites/Prior Knowledge

A prerequisite for this course should be an elementary knowledge of English language, at least to an A2 level (based on the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

  • Books

    • Naunton, J. (2009). Head for Business. Intermediate. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

      • An intermediate-level course for students of business English.
    • Dignen, B., Flinders, F. & Sweeney, S. (2004). English 365. Book 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

      • A lower-intermediate to intermediate business and general English course
    • Murphy, R. (1994). English Grammar in Use. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

      • A useful grammar book with theory and exercises, for intermediate and advanced learners.

  • Online resources


Target Group

Undergraduate students of the School of Sciences. Anyone interested in intermediate-level English (B1 to B2).


By the end of this unit, students will be better at guessing words from context, scanning a text to find specific information, understanding and be able to use Present tenses in English. They will also get familiar with basic vocabulary from a text.

By the end of this unit, students will know the basic structure of letters and emails, will have practiced using formal and informal expressions for requesting and giving information, and will have produced their own letter or email.

By the end of this unit, students will have practiced understanding the main ideas of both a written and spoken text. They will also understand and be able to use modals, 1st type conditionals, and relative clauses. 

By the end of this unit, students will have understood the basic structure of a paragraph, will have practiced using connectors to connect their ideas, and will have produced their own paragraph in English.

By the end of this unit, students will have practiced finding the main idea in a paragraph, and understanding, as well as using, the vocabulary of a text. They will also understand and be able to use the past simple and the past continuous tense in English.

By the end of this unit, students will have practiced paraphrasing sentences, connecting their sentences together, and producing a short summary of a text. They will also practice understanding the main points and basic vocabulary of a spoken text.

By the end of this unit, students will have practiced understanding the main ideas and key vocabulary of a passage. They will also understand and be able to use the present perfect simple and the present perfect continuous tense in English.

By the end of this unit, students will have practiced understanding the main ideas and key vocabulary of both a written and a spoken text. They will also understand and be able to use comparison devices and passive voice in English.

In this unit, students can revise the basic vocabulary and grammar of the course, and check their reading skills with two reading quizzes.

Open Academic Course

Open Courses
OpenCourses Level: A

Num. of Visits :  3970
Num. of Hits :  39176
