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Barcelona15M movement Hello from Barcelona, this is the weekly newsletter that will inform you about the activities of 15M movement in Barcelona, Catalonia and occasionally the main events in Spain. If you do not wish to receive it anymore, please say so. The DEFEND THE PARK GÜELL PLATFORM (Defensem Park Güell) was first introduced to the public on Saturday October 27, 2012. Among other demands, it wants to keep the access to the park's historic area free of charge for non-Barcelona resident visitors as it has always been, in opposition to the city council's proposal to implement an entrance fee of a minimum of €5 per person starting in 2013. Several dozen people took active part in the presentation where the Platform's statement of principles was read, having received the support of some 30 associations and a large number individuals from all over Barcelona and 15 cities around the world. Some 18,596 signatures protesting the park's closure have already been submitted to the city government. What the city council proposes Local opposition The battle to ensure that the Park Güell stays open and free continues The Platform expects to receive more adherences and demonstrations of support from individuals and associations from around the world once people know of their battle, and even UNESCO is expected to take a position regarding this alteration on such an important public, and artistic, space. Park Güell must continue being open for us all. LINKS Defensem Park Güell web site: http://defensemparkguell.wordpress.com/ [CAT] Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/plataformapark.guell On Friday November 2nd a decision of Barcelona's Court became public knowledge: It ordered to reopen the trial for the doings of May 27, 2011 (known as 27M) when the Mossos (the infamous Catalan police) violently evicted Plaça Catalunya's 15M occupation in Barcelona. The case had been filed in March by the examining magistrate Maria Josep Miquel Porres. (NL #3, 2 http://bit.ly/UffqKl ) The Court has taken this decision because an audit realized there had been no good reason to refuse and file the complaints, presented jointly by 104 people against police officiers and politicians for their responsability in personal injuries and subtraction of personal items. During last year the Ombudsman, Amnesty International, the Coordinator for the Prevention of Torture, Barcelona's Federation of Neighborhood Associations and even the European Committee against Torture expressed concern about the methods used by the Mossos, and also surprise about the quick closing of the case without taking into account the complaint without even going through the proofs of the disproportionate executions. The reopening of the case is good news. Now it is the justice system's duty to show that it is still working to respect the law and to protect the population. And to find and punish those who are guilty of brutality. LINKS Collective lawsuite website: http://som27m.wordpress.com Articles: Since late October support brigades are occupying different bank branches in Spain in order to negotiate directly with those responsible for the evictions and to address the specific cases that have led several people to suicide in the last month. The ongoing occupation located in Celenque square, Madrid, in front of the Bankia headquarters, is known online as #acampadaBankia. Despite the harsh climate and lack of specific answers dozens of people take turns to pressure the bank and incidentally collect signatures for support. They demand collective claims that come from the Platform of People Affected by Mortgage [ NL19,4 http://bit.ly/Opj1Je] Teuten, a Dutch chronicler living in Madrid, described the situation as "There's a big bank that has been bailed out here and nationalised. This Bank continues to evict people every day, while millions of appartments are empty as a result of speculation. Today, the president of this bank receives a prize, here in the Madrid casino. The people outside want their houses back." Not only Bankia has been under siege these days. Also Banesto, BBVA, Caixa Catalunya, Caja España... It's spreading everywhere. Cities like Valladolid, Barcelona, Tenerife or Terrassa among others have supported the action and have joined with further occupations. Therefore they are demanding to introduce assignments in payment when a home is foreclosed, to stop evictions and to create a network of social rent. In some cases activists have managed to temporarily stop evictions, whereas in others cases it has been possible to meet agreement on assignments in payment. However the huge number of evictions thoughout Spain, estimated 500 per day, means that this tremendous work by support brigades is only a tiny help compared to the amount of people evicted. In the last weeks there have been several suicides among citizens affected by the mortgage. In most cases it was seniors, only minutes before being evicted from the home where they had lived a whole family life. The drama of eviction is increasing the idea that the government and banks are allies of these crimes, surely an attitude indictable to the international courts as crimes against humanity. LINKS Articles Twitter Hundreds of activists from different social movements, coming from more than 20 countries from Europe and other continents, gathered in Madrid during the weekend of November 1st to 4th. They came for the Agora99% grassroots meeting, to work and find shared agreements on three axes: debt, democracy and rights. Agora99%'s clear objective was to find a common plan, coordinating actions and strategies against the shock politic imposed by UE. The 20 workshops, distributed into these 3 axes, and the numerous assemblies took place in different squats and self-managed social centres around the city. It was a very intensive meeting that gave good results, showing the urgence of a European constitutional process following the destitutional process already taking place. The workshops discussed about: civilian disobedience; direct democracy; basic income in Europe; housing rights; net-democracy and distributed democracy; waters and commons; justice in time of crisis; university, knowledge and debt, among others. Saturday afternoon the 3 axes tried to prepare specific proposals to share at the Sunday general and conclusive assembly. Not an easy job indeed. However, global calls, proposals, strategies and actions are already starting to take shape. Finally on Sunday the General Assembly took place in the famous Sol square during 6 hours, where the 3 participating axis shared their conclusions, even if no final decision had been taken. All the multicultural groups are still working at this very moment on shared documents and local assemblies to carry forward the revolution. LINKS Agora 99 website: http://99agora.net
http://www.walktobrussels.eu/ http://www.marchtoathens.tk/ http://ontheroadoperation.net/ Twitter
@acampadabcn_int Facebook
[ICBcn] International Comission Barcelona
International Comissionhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/194396380616508/ 15M: Marcha Bruselas https://www.facebook.com/15mMarchaBruselas/ March to Athens https://www.facebook.com/marchtoathens | Hungarian homelessnes The rule of law has prevailed! The Hungarian Constitutional Court struck down on the criminalization of homelessness
We are very happy to announce that the Hungarian Constitutional Court, the country’s highest court, has confirmed what The City is for All has represented for years: „The mere fact that someone lives in public space does not infringe on other people’s rights, does not cause damage and does not endanger the habitual use of space or public order” – as a result, punishing street homelessness is unconstitutional. The decision of the Constitutional Court is a victory for the rule of law, for homeless people and for everyone who has spoken out against the public persecution of homeless people over the years.
It is very significant that the Constitutional Court declared that „It is detrimental to the freedom of movement derived from the right to human dignity if the state forces someone to use social services through punishment.” In other words, street homelessness has to be ended not through force but through social services of appropriate quality.
We call on those who have supported the public persecution of homelessness – especially MP and local mayor Máté Kocsis, Minister of Interior Sándor Pintér, Secretary of State Miklós Soltész and Mayor of Budapest István Tarlós – to read the decision of the Constitutional Court carefully and publicly apologize to homeless people and all law-abiding citizens of Hungary.
The City is for All does not fight for the right to live on the streets freely, but for the right to housing. This is why we call on the government and all Members of Parliament to take the court’s decision seriously regarding public policies about homelessness: „homelessness is a social problem that the state has to address through social policy and not through punishment.” If they want to rectify their measures against the rule of law and homeless citizens, the government should go forward and introduce a housing policy reform that ensures decent housing for all citizens including a law on the right to housing, the radical increase in housing subsidies for low-income people and the creation of a broad network of social housing.
English-language information about the grassroots struggle against the criminalization of homelessness:
They are harassing homeless people (video) Professor Neil Smith’s Letter to the Minister of Interior of Hungary Hundreds demonstrated against the criminalization of homelessness Demonstration against the criminalization of homelessness (video) Performance and sit-in ended in the arrest of activists Sit-in against the criminalization of homelessness (video) We are not afraid of breaking laws for justice
Note to editors: In The City is for All, homeless people, people struggling with housing problems and their allies work together for an egalitarian and just society. The group is based on voluntary work and provides an opportunity for homeless people to stand up for their dignity and fight for the right to housing. Homeless people play a leading role in all of our activities. More information: www.avarosmindenkie.blog.hu | Urban Social Forum in Naples Naples, Italy, 6th September 2012 | Unione Inquilini | International Alians of Inhabitants | Zur Navigation springen Zum Content springen | "Les Sentiers de L'utopie" (Editions Zones/La Découverte 2011) | Κίνημα ZAD (Γαλλία) κατά της δημιουργίας αεροδρομίου. | urban observatoty Συγκρίσεις μεγάλων πόλεων | Berlin ιστορία και χαρτες των καταλήψεων στο Βερολίνο | IGU urban | peter marcuse New York | new york history of housing | απογραφές ΗΠΑ | σιλβια φεντεριτσι και σιλβια ριβερα !!! | anti evictions map california | derecho a la ciudad (en, es, port) δικαίωμα στην πόλη. συνεντεύξεις | https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/accumulation-by-dispossession/book234924#contents Acumulacion by disposession India | https://roarmag.org | 12:43 / 1:34:58 Take the City: The Future of Radical Urban Social Movements | https://urbact.eu/gender-equal-cities?fbclid=IwAR3TtSExnZs3sva7FP6_jhpusJYsJi2xb_3cEWRJIx_4mNTf7LxwfI4K3dg | graffiti athens map | φασιστικές επιθέσεις map | Σεξουαλική παρενόχληση Χάρτης | Judith Butler : GENDER TROUBLE
| http://eige.europa.eu/rdc/eige-publications/gender-equality-index-2015-measuring-gender-equality-european-union-2005-2012-report European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) (2015). Gender Equality Index - Measuring gender equality in the European Union 2005-2012. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Downloaded on June 26 2017, from: http://eige.europa.eu/rdc/eige-publications/gender-equality-index-2015-measuring-gender-equality-european-union-2005-2012-report . | https://books.google.gr/books?hl=en&lr=&id=fyrfDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT6&dq=collins+intersectionality&ots=AAmBGEMxSR&sig=8OcHS7EN0ytPn5DcI8SmcgdORt0&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=collins%20intersectionality&f=false Collins P. H. & S. Bilge, 2016. Intersectionality. Polity press
| Declaración del Foro Alternativo Mundial del Agua | foro alternativo mundial de agua | sexual harass map | plan maestro de Havana | Σύμβαση Κωνσταντινούπολης για την εξάλειψη της βίας κατά των γυναικών Εκδήλωση επιτροπής ισότητας Παν. Αιγαίου | Urban geography in Ukranian cities at war | Gaza future Gaza future | David Harvey rebel cities et al. | introduction to cities |
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