Comparative Island Research, Spatial and Location Analysis Methods and Applications (GEO- ISLANDS 712)

Athanasios Kizos


This course introduces comparative research as a methodology for conducting case study and comparative analysis for environmental, ecological, social and economic systems. It addresses three key questions: (a) why comparative research? (b) why islands for comparative research? (c) which topics can be addressed? 

Comparative research, unlike many current epistemological paradigms in socioecological studies, tends to be less “ipso-facto” and teleological (i.e. explaining what has happened only after it has happened and adjusting the tools and methods to facilitate this). It tends to be more descriptive rather than prescriptive, using case studies and taking into account their specificities, similarities and differences. This is not to suggest that all claims towards “representativeness” are dropped, but rather that each case study can provide insight s and lessons for both similarities and differences. Comparative research may not be optimal for all studies and disciplines, but it can be




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