Τύπος ΚάτωAρχείοΜέγεθοςΗμερομηνία
Files Ergasiwn__Foititwn.doc 62.5 KB2/10/18
Διάλεξη Όγδοη  459.28 KB4/3/15
Διάλεξη πέμπτη  440.85 KB4/3/15
Διάλεξη Έκτη  360.25 KB4/3/15
Διάλεξη Ένατη  257.85 KB4/3/15
Διάλεξη Δέκατη  316.9 KB4/3/15
Διάλεξη Ενδέκατη  207.32 KB4/3/15
Έντυπο Καταγραφής Πληροφοριών Μαθήματος  185.25 KB27/2/15
Διάλεξη Πρώτη  342.84 KB4/3/15
2017__World Development Report.pdf 35.49 MB1/10/18
2018__Human__Development__Report__Statistical.pdf 1.4 MB1/10/18
2018__World Development Report.pdf 8.4 MB1/10/18
Ανακοίνωση Μαθήματος 2019-2020 259.22 KB14/10/19
Διάλεξη Έβδομη  295.71 KB4/3/15
Διάλεξη Δεύτερη  277.55 KB4/3/15
Διάλεξη Τρίτη  219.32 KB4/3/15
Διάλεξη Τέταρτη  395.19 KB4/3/15
Διάλεξη Δωδέκατη  410.32 KB4/3/15
Διάλεξη Δέκατη Τρίτη  402.95 KB4/3/15
Βιβλιογραφία  217.31 KB4/3/15
Ύλη Μαθήματος 176.6 KB5/1/19
2018_statistical_annex_Human Development Report Data.xls 1.44 MB1/10/18
Agriculture Output and Productivity (World Development Report).xls 64.5 KB1/10/18
Balance of Payment (World Development Report).xls 66.5 KB1/10/18
Consumption--Investment & Trade (World Development Report).xls 75.5 KB1/10/18
Distribution of Income (World Development Report).xls 64 KB1/10/18
Education Efficiency (World Development Report).xls 73 KB1/10/18
Education Gaps (World Development Report).xls 72.5 KB1/10/18
Education Inputs (World Development Report).xls 77 KB1/10/18
Education Outcomes (World Development Report).xls 73 KB1/10/18
Education Participation (World Development Report).xls 74.5 KB1/10/18
Employment by Sector (World Development Report).xls 71 KB1/10/18
External Debt (World Development Report).xls 71.5 KB1/10/18
Government Expenditures (World Development Report).xls 63.5 KB1/10/18
Government Finances (World Development Report).xls 86 KB1/10/18
Government Revenues (World Development Report).xls 69.5 KB1/10/18
Growth of Output (World Development Report).xls 68.5 KB1/10/18
Health Systems (World Development Report).xls 71.5 KB1/10/18
Information Society (World Development Report).xls 59.5 KB1/10/18
Labour Force Structure (World Development Report).xls 60.5 KB1/10/18
Military Expenditures (World Development Report).xls 74.5 KB1/10/18
Monetary Indicators (World Development Report).xls 71 KB1/10/18
Mortality (World Development Report).xls 66.5 KB1/10/18
National Income (World Development Report).xls 63 KB1/10/18
Population Dynamics (World Development Report).xls 62 KB1/10/18
Poverty & Improving Lives (World Development Report).xls 75 KB1/10/18
Power and Communications (World Development Report).xls 57 KB1/10/18
Promoting Sustainability (World Development Report).xls 79 KB1/10/18
Public Policies & Instructions (World Development Report).xls 40 KB1/10/18
Rural Environment and Land Use (World Development Report).xls 67.5 KB1/10/18
Savings (World Development Report).xls 63.5 KB1/10/18
Science and Technology (World Development Report).xls 84 KB1/10/18
Size of the economy (World Development Report).xls 67.5 KB1/10/18
Structure of Demand (World Development Report).xls 72.5 KB1/10/18
Structure of Manufacturing Exports (World Development Report).xls 61.5 KB1/10/18
Structure of Manufacturing Imports (World Development Report).xls 74 KB1/10/18
Structure of Merchandise (World Development Report).xls 71.5 KB1/10/18
Structure of Output (World Development Report).xls 63.5 KB1/10/18
Transport Indicators (World Development Report).xls 59.5 KB1/10/18
Travel and Tourism (World Development Report).xls 73 KB1/10/18
Unemployment (World Development Report).xls 70 KB1/10/18
Urbanisation (World Development Report).xls 70 KB1/10/18
Women in Development (World Development Report).xls 67.5 KB1/10/18